Friday, July 24, 2009


Now I of course do not have new craft ideas and pictures. I just wanted to update it. Be looking forward to the Christmas in August homemaking activity that will be loaded with wonderful crafts.

The only thing I can think of that would be easyish is the Family Home Evening board I saw from someone in the WAipiolani ward. It was a big block of wood with painted or vinyl letters of
Family Home Evening
Conduct Songs Prayers Thought Lesson Activity Treat

then little thin blocks of wood held on with magnets that had names on it. Cute and doable.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Picture Quote Project

Recently I've made several framed quotes. It is an easy project to do and can be personalized to fit anyone. If you are interested in making framed quotes I would be glad to help. It's an easy gift. So just drop me a note or give me a call if you want to come over and make one. Karen Heaton

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Welcome to Craft Group. I know that many of you have great craft projects and ideas. This page can be used to share your ideas with everyone. Some sisters expressed interest in starting quilting group, and scrap booking group - this page can be used to coordinate activities. If you have a craft project that you would like to share please do. We are also looking for sisters to host Craft Activities in their home.